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The secret to cutting out sugar in your diet for life

Fat and protein are finally getting their good reputation back. I feel that for years the food and health industry deceived the American population with the message that fat free or low fat foods were better for you. In reality, they are missing the essential benefits of good fat and are packed with sugar. Not only does a female body need high quality fat and protein to support hormone balance, but good fat and protein also help sugar cravings/imbalances, provide satiety quicker and for longer periods of time and you can eat them without harmful processing, added chemicals, colors or added fillers.

I fell victim to the marketing scheme that eating low fat would mean a leaner me. Little did I know the destruction that I was creating on my thyroid and overall wellness. We need good quality fat to activate the metabolism and to absorb essential vitamins A, E, D and K from the vegetables and fruits that we consume. Truth be told, good fat can actually help you lose weight! Eating high quality fat is important. To consume less sugar, you want to switch from being dependent on fast burning sugar energy to slow burning fat energy. Eat more ghee, mono-unsaturated fats (cold pressed virgin olive oil or nuts oils like macadamia, walnut or avocado). Remember cooking can change the quality of the fat. Keep most mono-unsaturated oils at a medium cooking temperature. Never use vegetable oils for heating. They are unstable and can oxidize at high temperatures, leading to inflammation. Fry with ghee or coconut oil. It's important to stay away from poly-unsaturated oils (canola, soybean, sunflower). The food industry has been very deceitful on the quality of these oils.

Ideal protein intake is as important for your hormone health. High quality and variety based protein is important for the release of hormones that control appetite, which can help with weight. For women, protein is the building block for our cells and creates structural framework for hormones to develop. These hormones can include testosterone and estrogen. Complete proteins also play an essential role in the liver to help with detox and hormone production. For plant-based eaters, factors that can affect your hormone health are missing nutrients. These nutrients include Vitamin B 12, Iron, Zinc, Omega 3, Calcium and Vitamin D. Knowing how to find these nutrients in plants will be instrumental to your overall lively well-being.

Keep it simple and practical with making small additions into your daily diet and routine. This will add up overtime and you will feel the difference.

Pull in the good to push out the bad.

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