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Stubborn fat loss may be linked to toxic overload

Listed by the Environmental Protection Agency, there are an estimated 80,000 to 85,000 chemicals used in the USA. Only 200 of these have been tested for safety. This can include everyday cosmetics, soaps, cleaners, pesticides in our food and many environmental pollutants. For women, the build up over years of these chemicals can wreck havoc on their hormones if the body is not properly eliminating the toxins.

Toxins store in fat. Women carry 10% more body fat than men, which means we store more fat-soluble toxins.

When toxic overload occurs, symptoms of hormonal imbalances, liver congestion and digestive stress can make weight loss impossible for many matter how hard they try.

To help the body properly detox the toxins and support a leaner more lively woman, the gut, liver, gallbladder, kidney and lymphatic system need to be efficient. Emotional stress plays a very big role in managing proper hormone balance and detox as well.

To many women, having all these systems involved can seem very overwhelming.

The great thing is that your body wants to find balance and heal on its own. As a woman who finds herself trying to detox and only feeling sick after, simply adding in the proper nutrients for phase 1 and phase 2 detox in your liver will allow your liver to properly excrete the toxins and not store them in your fat cells.

Free flowing bile from your gallbladder is also extremely important to help eliminate fat- soluble toxins. Hydroloric acid is essential for a healthy gallbladder.

Here are some simple steps that are easy to apply to your daily routine. These include, cleaner sources of vegetables and meat product that are organic veggies and organic grass-fed beef and free range pasteurized meat. This will reduce fat soluble toxins like glyphosate, phalates and GMOs.

Also adding a daily intake of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, bok choy, chard, brussels sprouts, arugula and and kale can support the liver and gallbladder through proper toxin elimination.

Another simple tip is add warm water with apple cider vinegar or lemon to your morning routine. Take it 20 minutes before you eat and you will rev up the digestive juices for great digestion and clean bile flow.

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