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A healthy gut leads to a healthy body

Hypocrites once said, "All disease begins in the gut". When it comes to treating women with hormone imbalances, this quote holds true for most women.

A healthy gut helps nourish and protect proper digestion. Digestion uses enzymes that detox the body and soaks up toxins to ensure that they are properly excreted and not recycled back into the body and stored in adipose cells. Toxic overload is a big reason for inability to lose weight, hormonal disturbances and a list of negative symptoms. Most importantly, for a healthy thyroid and hormone balance, a women's body needs good fatty acids and vitamins. If the gut is deficient and not able to manufacture these fatty acids and vitamins, hormone balance will be disrupted. High gut flora is essential for a strong immune system and to help fight off inflammation.

The first step that I take when working with a women's thyroid and hormone imbalances, is regenerating the gut.

There are 3 steps to regenerating the gut.

  1. Identify and remove allergens or inflammatory triggers. This can be processed foods, wheat/gluten, dairy, corn, GMOs, unfiltered water and even environmental stresses that form stress. In addition, alkalize the body is essential in this step.

  2. Heal the gut lining. Remove fungus and bad bacteria to improve structural building blocks for a healthy gut lining. Results can be accomplished with homeopathic remedies in the Pleo Sanum product line or adding in L-glutamine. Bone broth has been a healing gem for the non vegetarian.

  3. Balance the micro flora with a diverse variety of bacteria. This can be done with combination of high quality probiotics and and Pleo Sanum products. Extra supplements can be added, if needed.

  4. Heal other detox organs/glands through dietary changes or supplements. Organs include, liver, kidney, colon, lymphatic system and adrenals.

These steps may appear overwhelming, but they are actually easy to apply to your daily routine and the rewards are remarkable. A healthy gut can put you on the right track for balancing out your hormones and feeling a better.

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